
Playbook is a conversational dialogue that can be triggered based on various parameters.


To make adding questions and creating conversations with customers easy, we created an easy-to-use interface playbook. Playbook is a set of questions or conversations, through which you can engage better with the visitors.

These conversations, once designed, can operate without any human intervention, and help in converting the visitors of your website to lead. Helping you in lead generation.

Playbook is a conversational Dialog that can be triggered like Context - the current page the visitor is on.

Parameters that can trigger a playbook

  • Context - the current page the visitor is on.

  • Persona - the historical content engagement of the visitor

  • Action - Any event/action performed by user

Default Playbooks

IntelliTicks comes with two default playbooks on both web and Facebook playbook.

1. Transfer to Human - This is a playbook which is used whenever AI Bots are not able to understand anything. They use this playbook to do a transfer to a human agent.

2. Default - This is a default playbook which is the first entry point and is a general help playbook asking visitor if they have any queries.

How to build a web playbook?

Please refer to build your first playbook doc it will help you to build your first playbook.

How to make a web playbook default?

1. Navigate to AI builder from the leftmost panel.

2. Click on the playbook which you want to make default web playbook.

3. On the top after playbook name, you will see a section with Build, Config and Deploy, Click on Config section.

4. This configure page lets you to configure where and how your playbook will triggers. To launch the playbook on every page of your site or make it default playbook toggle the button to "Yes".

5. Click on confirm and your playbook changed to default playbook.

That's it playbook set to default.

Default playbook is the one that gets triggered on every page of your website

How to test a web playbook?

1. Navigate to AI builder from the leftmost panel.

2. Click on the playbook which you want to test and tap on Build section from top panel.

3. On the build page of playbook, you find a Test Now button on bottom-right corner, press that to test your web playbook conversation flow.

4. You can also restart and close playbook testing by press on restart or close icon.

Tested conversations also visible on platform conversation section with user attribute Referrer value test-playbook

How to deploy a web playbook?

1. Navigate to AI builder from the leftmost panel.

2. Click on the playbook which you want to deploy and tap on Deploy section from top panel.

3. On deploy page of web playbook you have two options to deploy a playbook

Option 1: You have an option to deploy the playbook on website pages you have to just copy and paste the snippet below into the <head> tag of every page in your site.

The script is same for all the playbooks. You can skip this step if you had already deployed the script on your website.

To deploy specific playbook on any page of your website you have to configure that url on playbook configure section otherwise default playbook will be triggered on every page.

For more advanced options see our documentation

Option 2: You have another option to deploy a web playbook by simply playbook landing page url.

Here are a few ways playbook conversational landing page url can be used:

  1. Drive ad traffic to custom landing page with your company's branding

  2. Have a more focused conversations with your site visitors by making your bot the center of attention

  3. Share a self-hosted landing page via email, SMS, Twitter, or Facebook!

Last updated