Build your first playbook
This tutorial will guide you through everything you need to know to build your first playbook.
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This tutorial will guide you through everything you need to know to build your first playbook.
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To Build your first playbook go to AI Builder section on IntelliTicks platform.
Only users with "Owner" role can access AI-Builder.
IntelliTicks comes with two default playbooks for both web and facebook.
Transfer to Human - This is a playbook which is used whenever AI Bots are not able to understand anything. They use this playbook to do a transfer to a human agent.
Default - This is a default playbook which is the first entry point and is a general help playbook asking visitor if they have any queries.
Now it's time to create your first playbook by some steps.
Step 1: Click on create playbook card on AI Builder
Step 2: After clicking on create playbook you have two options to build a new playbook
Option 1: Start by using Pre-build playbook templates
Option 2: Start from scratch with blank playbook