Shopify Integration

To install IntelliTicks on a Shopify website, just follow these basic steps

  • Log into the Administrator Dashboard for your Shopify site.

  • Search for "Themes" from the top search bar, you will see an option Themes as shown in red rectangle. Click on that.

  • In the Themes page, you will see the current theme live on your website. In the theme preview you will see an option "Customize" as shown below. Click on that.

  • This will take you to the theme editor page.

  • In the page, on the left-side menu, you will see many options. Scroll to the bottom of the left-side menu to reach the drop-down button Theme Actions

  • Clicking on Theme actions, will show three option, click on Edit Code

  • In the Code Editor panel, you will see a list of files being used with your themes. Under the Layout folder, you will see a file theme.liquid. Click and open that file for editing.

  • In the theme.liquid file you will see the <head> section of HTML. Just after the meta tags, insert IntelliTicks script from IntelliTicks Admin console

  • To find IntelliTicks script follow steps in this link

IntelliTicks Plugin Script
  • After putting the code, save the file & you are done.

Last updated